
Given a unsorted array with integers, find the median of it.

A median is the middle number of the array after it is sorted.

If there are even numbers in the array, return the N/2-th number after sorted.


Kth Largest Element问题的等价问题,如有nums.size()为even,k = nums.size()/2-1, 为odd,则k = nums.size()/2.


class Solution {
     * @param nums: A list of integers.
     * @return: An integer denotes the middle number of the array.
    int median(vector<int> &nums) {
        // write your code here
        if(nums.empty()) return -1;
        int med;
        if(nums.size() %2 == 0) {
            med = nums.size() / 2 - 1;
        } else {
            med = nums.size() / 2;
        int start = 0;
        int end = nums.size() - 1;
        while(start <= end) {
            int pos = partition(nums, start, end);
            if(pos == med) {//find out median
                return nums[pos];
            } else if(pos > med) {//search in the first half
                end = pos -  1;
            } else { //serch in the second half
                start = pos + 1;
    int partition(vector<int> &nums, int start, int end) {
        int pivot = nums[end];
        int i = start;//nums[0~i] <= pivot, i is the current postion where nums[i] <= pivot
        for(int j = start; j<end; j++) {
            if(nums[j] <= pivot) {
                swap(nums[i], nums[j]);
        swap(nums[i], nums[end]);
        return i;

Folow up

如果nums是有序的,采用排序算法时间复杂度会提升到O(n^2),一个解决办法是randomly generate the pivot

int partition(vector<int> &nums, int start, int end) {
        int idx = rand()%(end-start+1) + start;//generate a random index for pivot
        int pivot = nums[idx];
        swap(nums[end], nums[idx]);
        int i = start;//nums[0~i] <= pivot, i is the current postion where nums[i] <= pivot
        for(int j = start; j<end; j++) {
            if(nums[j] <= pivot) {
                swap(nums[i], nums[j]);
        swap(nums[i], nums[end]);
        return i;

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