strStr II

Given a target string, and a searching space with a list of strings, find out whether the searching space contains the target string or not.

For example:
target = "is Fri"
search_spce = {"Today", " is", " Friday."}
return true;

implement function:
bool contains(string target, list<string> search_space);



暴力搜索的方法,每次从search space里面取出来一个跟target等长的substring去比较, 若相等则返回true,若到search space的end了(取不出来那么长的substring了)还没找到,则返回false。

这个暴力搜索不太容易通过一个字符一个字符的比较来做到,因为比较难在search sapce里面回溯。(strStr里面的i=i-j+1).

//O(mn) run time, m is the len of target, n is the total length of string in the searching space
//O(m) space
bool GetString(list<string>::iterator it, int pos, list<string>::iterator it_end, string &found_string, int len) {
    while (found_string.length() < len) {
        if (it == it_end) {
            return false;
        if (pos == (*it).length()) {
            pos = 0;
        found_string.append(1, (*it)[pos++]);
    return true;
bool contains(string target, list<string> search_space) {    
    for (list<string>::iterator it = search_space.begin(); it != search_space.end(); it++) {
        string search_string = *it;
        for (int i = 0; i < search_string.length(); i++) {
            //get a substring from search_space with length the same as target,
            //then compare.    
            string substr_in_space;
            bool can_get = GetString(it, i, search_space.end(), substr_in_space, target.length());
            cout << substr_in_space << "  " << substr_in_space.length()<<endl;
            if (can_get == false) {                
                return false;
            if (substr_in_space == target) {
                return true;

    return false;

Solution 2 KMP algorithm

既然上面也说了,search space不好回溯,因为不是一个string,那刚刚好KMP算法呢不需要移动source string,只是根据next查询表移动target。

如果会strStr的KMP algorithm的话,那这个题一点问题都没有。

bool GetChar(list<string>::iterator &it, int &pos, list<string>::iterator it_end, char &found_char) {
    if (it == it_end) {
        return false;
    if (pos == (*it).length()) {
        pos = 0;
    found_char = (*it)[pos];
    return true;

vector<int> GetNext(string target) {
    int n = target.length();
    vector<int> next(n, -1);
    int i = 0; 
    int j = -1;
    while (i < n - 1) {
        if (j == -1 || target[i] == target[j]) { //then next[i+1] = j+1; one more common char between prefix and subfix
            next[i] = j;
        else {// not plus one anymore, check from next[j] to find a shorter common string between prefix and subfix
            j = next[j];
    return next;
bool contains(string target, list<string> search_space) {    
    if (search_space.empty()) return false;
    if (target.length() == 0) return false;
    vector<int> next = GetNext(target);
    list<string>::iterator it = search_space.begin();
    char search_c;
    int i = 0;
    int j = 0;
    while (GetChar(it, i, search_space.end(), search_c)) {
        if (j == -1 || search_c == target[j]) {
        else {
            j = next[j];
        if (j == target.length()) return true;
    return false;


  1. 从头到尾理解KMP算法

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